Dear bloggie,
My neck is still sore and my back is still hurts. I just think it's appropriate I say sorta my last words incase if anything does happen to me in the next couple of days. I would like to say to all young/old/batang/lubang/watever urns out there
"Please treasure your life. Live at the moment, don't think about the future or etc, coz they might not even be a tomorrow. Live it fully the way you want to so you won't die regretting the things you wanted to do but didn't do cause of laziness or fear. Learn from my mistakes, and live life better than me. It's not about quantity coz we never know when our time is up, it's more about quality of the time you have. Don't die like I could have, as a bitter man that regrets about all those 'if' in his life."
P.S: If I do die, I hope u burn a paper PS3 and TV with some of the latest game. HAHAHA... Ok, just bury/put my remains somewhere near the sea.
Dear bloggie,
While I survive the accident, the aftermath of the accident has left my with no IC, no driving license and no car. Word of advice, pick ur toll truck guy carefully. I happen to pick the wrong one. My wallet, keys and good luck charm (from MFR) that was in my car, was so claimed *missing* when I went to pickup my things from my car wreck at the workshop. Had to call credit card center to cancel the card. Worst, while doing police report, the inspector wanted to see the car so called the dudes to transport the car there. Waited from 3 to 7+ pm, no bayang. Phone him, no reply. Finally my father tulan de, drove back to Klang (Made police report at Shah Alam Police Station). The guy convince us the car will be transfer to the police station but when we reach back Klang and went to the workshop, my car onli about to setup to be tolled by a group of Indian guys. Bloody conman assholes. At hospital, promise to settle everything, end up now have to settle everything ownself. My car also hong khan beyond rescue de, my father said I was lucky to escape. I see the car (or what remains of my car) also think Chee Mun and I damn f*ckin lucky to not onli escape death, but escape unhurt. My father said if lucky might get max 5K write off for insurance. *Sigh* Another financial burden to bear soon... With my unstable income, really bad timing... IC and driving license lagi mafan... Can't they just take the money and give back the documents... CB lang...
#Update: The whole accident totaled to 7 cars. 3 Separate accidents, 1st mine, 2nd a car flying avoid my car ram into some innocent cars infront and 3rd a case of 3 cars kissing each other butt pulling emergency break avoiding my car. Lesson: Stupid MOTHER FUCKERS, Pls don't 180kmph !!!
While I survive the accident, the aftermath of the accident has left my with no IC, no driving license and no car. Word of advice, pick ur toll truck guy carefully. I happen to pick the wrong one. My wallet, keys and good luck charm (from MFR) that was in my car, was so claimed *missing* when I went to pickup my things from my car wreck at the workshop. Had to call credit card center to cancel the card. Worst, while doing police report, the inspector wanted to see the car so called the dudes to transport the car there. Waited from 3 to 7+ pm, no bayang. Phone him, no reply. Finally my father tulan de, drove back to Klang (Made police report at Shah Alam Police Station). The guy convince us the car will be transfer to the police station but when we reach back Klang and went to the workshop, my car onli about to setup to be tolled by a group of Indian guys. Bloody conman assholes. At hospital, promise to settle everything, end up now have to settle everything ownself. My car also hong khan beyond rescue de, my father said I was lucky to escape. I see the car (or what remains of my car) also think Chee Mun and I damn f*ckin lucky to not onli escape death, but escape unhurt. My father said if lucky might get max 5K write off for insurance. *Sigh* Another financial burden to bear soon... With my unstable income, really bad timing... IC and driving license lagi mafan... Can't they just take the money and give back the documents... CB lang...
#Update: The whole accident totaled to 7 cars. 3 Separate accidents, 1st mine, 2nd a car flying avoid my car ram into some innocent cars infront and 3rd a case of 3 cars kissing each other butt pulling emergency break avoiding my car. Lesson: Stupid MOTHER FUCKERS, Pls don't 180kmph !!!
Dear bloggie,
I dunno how to suppress what I had just encounter a while ago. Lucky to escape with my life. Had a very frightening hit and run experience. Happened near the Kesas toll near Klang, while driving slowly back from a movie, a car flying at high speed ram into my car from behind and send my car spinning hitting the divider at the side. While the car was spinning, I felt fear. Fear of death. And the bullshit bout how times sorta slow down, f*ckin bullshit! Every second was ticking damn fast, I was praying that time would just halt but no, it just continue to tick and I continue to spin. . I can still remember how my body was slamming to the car right and left as if I'm a rag doll when I close my eye right now. Those could have been the last few seconds of my life. As the car stop spinning at the middle of the road, My friend and I got out of the car. My Wira was totaled beyond rescue. And the cb bloody mother fucker son of a bitch that ram my car was no where in sight. CB asshole! I hope he will feel fear every night, for the rest of his fucking life for this hit and run crime. Went to the hospital for checkup, my neck abit sprained and abit ache on my right back. The doctor said I was ok since if accident usually pain will persist one. Bad news is didn't see car plate no. of jackass and can't even see the car since so dark. What kind of human being can flee without bothering the state of the victims of the car he/she just ram into? I hope the police will somehow manage to catch the f*ckin bastard (Hope the Kesas CTV can id the car, since he must have pass the toll) and hang him at the gallows. Every time I try to close my eye right now, I f*ckin see glimpses of myself spinning in the car. Wan to sleep but my mind too alert and shock to sleep, so I decided to blog my experience instead...
And worst was the aftermath of the accident, with my car totaled at the middle of the highway resulted in another accident with 6 more cars due later I heard. Also when I was trying to retrieve my wallet from my car, a car slow down in front of me and the window open and got some teenager gave me the thumbs up then bla. I dunno wat tis world is coming to already, instead of slow down to help, slow down to mock the car accident victim?
I dunno how to suppress what I had just encounter a while ago. Lucky to escape with my life. Had a very frightening hit and run experience. Happened near the Kesas toll near Klang, while driving slowly back from a movie, a car flying at high speed ram into my car from behind and send my car spinning hitting the divider at the side. While the car was spinning, I felt fear. Fear of death. And the bullshit bout how times sorta slow down, f*ckin bullshit! Every second was ticking damn fast, I was praying that time would just halt but no, it just continue to tick and I continue to spin. . I can still remember how my body was slamming to the car right and left as if I'm a rag doll when I close my eye right now. Those could have been the last few seconds of my life. As the car stop spinning at the middle of the road, My friend and I got out of the car. My Wira was totaled beyond rescue. And the cb bloody mother fucker son of a bitch that ram my car was no where in sight. CB asshole! I hope he will feel fear every night, for the rest of his fucking life for this hit and run crime. Went to the hospital for checkup, my neck abit sprained and abit ache on my right back. The doctor said I was ok since if accident usually pain will persist one. Bad news is didn't see car plate no. of jackass and can't even see the car since so dark. What kind of human being can flee without bothering the state of the victims of the car he/she just ram into? I hope the police will somehow manage to catch the f*ckin bastard (Hope the Kesas CTV can id the car, since he must have pass the toll) and hang him at the gallows. Every time I try to close my eye right now, I f*ckin see glimpses of myself spinning in the car. Wan to sleep but my mind too alert and shock to sleep, so I decided to blog my experience instead...
And worst was the aftermath of the accident, with my car totaled at the middle of the highway resulted in another accident with 6 more cars due later I heard. Also when I was trying to retrieve my wallet from my car, a car slow down in front of me and the window open and got some teenager gave me the thumbs up then bla. I dunno wat tis world is coming to already, instead of slow down to help, slow down to mock the car accident victim?
Dear bloggie,
Randomly flip a page from my old Form 6 Math book and randomly selected one math question. Decided since nothing to blog about, might as well post my solution instead.
Prove that cos 3Ø + cos 5Ø + cos 7Ø = cos 5Ø (4 cos2Ø - 1)
Click to see my solution
And ya, been watching the tv series Numb3rs lately...
Randomly flip a page from my old Form 6 Math book and randomly selected one math question. Decided since nothing to blog about, might as well post my solution instead.
Prove that cos 3Ø + cos 5Ø + cos 7Ø = cos 5Ø (4 cos2Ø - 1)
Click to see my solution
I noticed the right side got cos 5Ø rather than normally all cos Ø. Besides I noticed 3Ø, 5Ø and 7Ø has a pattern each is +2Ø. May mean something or not, but my instinct tell me is worth investigation. Also, the power of 2 on the cos also bug me, I realized the right side can further be factorize to
cos 5Ø (4 cos2Ø - 1)
= cos 5Ø (2 cosØ - 1) (2 cosØ + 1)
Not sure if will be useful or not but just put a mental note, incase if I hit this value later when manipulating the left side. Also recalled a formula which involves cos2Ø;
cos2 Ø + sin2 Ø = 1
I decided to focus on 5Ø since it's the common point between the left and right. I came up with the idea of:
cos 3Ø + cos 5Ø + cos 7Ø
= cos (5Ø - 2Ø) + cos 5Ø + cos (5Ø + 2Ø)
Now I recall the formula
cos(a + b) = cos a cos b - sin a sin b
But problem is I don't recall any formula on cos(x - y). So I gotta see if there is a formula for cos(x - y). On immediate Math instinct, I get the urge to replace b = -y to get the formula but this is an angle rather than a integer value, I'm not clearly sure if I can do such replacement but I decided to follow the trail to see where replacing b = -y will lead me to first
cos(a - b)
= cos (a + (-b))
= cos a cos (-b) - sin a sin (-b)
Now I recalled seeing some formula bout transforming -vef values angle to +vef angle for cos and sin but I couldn't 100% recall the formula, so time to go back to definitions. After some experiments (drew some triangles on a Cartesian chart and calc values for -Ø), I found out that
sin (-Ø) = - sin Ø
cos (-Ø) = cos Ø
So I continue where I left of in the cos(a - b) problem.
cos(a - b)
= cos (a + (-b))
= cos a cos (-b) - sin a sin (-b)
= cos a cos b - sin a (- sin b)
= cos a cos b + sin a sin b
Ok, time to use the formula on the main problem,
cos 3Ø + cos 5Ø + cos 7Ø
= cos (5Ø - 2Ø) + cos 5Ø + cos (5Ø + 2Ø)
= cos 5Ø cos 2Ø + sin 5Ø cos 2Ø + cos 5Ø + cos 5Ø cos 2Ø - sin 5Ø sin 2Ø
= 2 cos 5Ø cos 2Ø + cos 5Ø
= cos 5Ø (2 cos 2Ø + 1)
Close, onli left the cos 2Ø, since cos 2Ø = cos2 Ø - sin 2 Ø
= cos 5Ø (2 (cos2 Ø - sin 2 Ø ) + 1)
Need convert sin 2 Ø into cos2 Ø
cos2 Ø + sin2 Ø = 1
sin2 Ø = 1 - cos2 Ø
Ok, from main one...
= cos 5Ø (2 (cos2 Ø - sin 2 Ø ) + 1)
= cos 5Ø (2 (cos2 Ø - (1 - cos2 Ø)) + 1)
= cos 5Ø (2 (cos2 Ø - 1 + cos2 Ø) + 1)
= cos 5Ø (2 (2 cos2 Ø - 1) + 1)
= cos 5Ø (4 cos2 Ø - 2 + 1)
= cos 5Ø (4 cos2 Ø - 1) Q.E.D
cos 5Ø (4 cos2Ø - 1)
= cos 5Ø (2 cosØ - 1) (2 cosØ + 1)
Not sure if will be useful or not but just put a mental note, incase if I hit this value later when manipulating the left side. Also recalled a formula which involves cos2Ø;
cos2 Ø + sin2 Ø = 1
I decided to focus on 5Ø since it's the common point between the left and right. I came up with the idea of:
cos 3Ø + cos 5Ø + cos 7Ø
= cos (5Ø - 2Ø) + cos 5Ø + cos (5Ø + 2Ø)
Now I recall the formula
cos(a + b) = cos a cos b - sin a sin b
But problem is I don't recall any formula on cos(x - y). So I gotta see if there is a formula for cos(x - y). On immediate Math instinct, I get the urge to replace b = -y to get the formula but this is an angle rather than a integer value, I'm not clearly sure if I can do such replacement but I decided to follow the trail to see where replacing b = -y will lead me to first
cos(a - b)
= cos (a + (-b))
= cos a cos (-b) - sin a sin (-b)
Now I recalled seeing some formula bout transforming -vef values angle to +vef angle for cos and sin but I couldn't 100% recall the formula, so time to go back to definitions. After some experiments (drew some triangles on a Cartesian chart and calc values for -Ø), I found out that
sin (-Ø) = - sin Ø
cos (-Ø) = cos Ø
So I continue where I left of in the cos(a - b) problem.
cos(a - b)
= cos (a + (-b))
= cos a cos (-b) - sin a sin (-b)
= cos a cos b - sin a (- sin b)
= cos a cos b + sin a sin b
Ok, time to use the formula on the main problem,
cos 3Ø + cos 5Ø + cos 7Ø
= cos (5Ø - 2Ø) + cos 5Ø + cos (5Ø + 2Ø)
= cos 5Ø cos 2Ø + sin 5Ø cos 2Ø + cos 5Ø + cos 5Ø cos 2Ø - sin 5Ø sin 2Ø
= 2 cos 5Ø cos 2Ø + cos 5Ø
= cos 5Ø (2 cos 2Ø + 1)
Close, onli left the cos 2Ø, since cos 2Ø = cos2 Ø - sin 2 Ø
= cos 5Ø (2 (cos2 Ø - sin 2 Ø ) + 1)
Need convert sin 2 Ø into cos2 Ø
cos2 Ø + sin2 Ø = 1
sin2 Ø = 1 - cos2 Ø
Ok, from main one...
= cos 5Ø (2 (cos2 Ø - sin 2 Ø ) + 1)
= cos 5Ø (2 (cos2 Ø - (1 - cos2 Ø)) + 1)
= cos 5Ø (2 (cos2 Ø - 1 + cos2 Ø) + 1)
= cos 5Ø (2 (2 cos2 Ø - 1) + 1)
= cos 5Ø (4 cos2 Ø - 2 + 1)
= cos 5Ø (4 cos2 Ø - 1) Q.E.D
And ya, been watching the tv series Numb3rs lately...
Dear bloggie,
Among the 3 fast food which are KFC, McD & A&W, I always had a special feel for A&W since I recall fond memories of me as a kiddo munching away in their superb waffles and sipping my zip away in their root beer. Today I went to Sunway Piramid in an attempt to entertain myself and decided to dine at A&W.
One word, Super shrink! Walau eh, if compare to McD and KFC, the size really like made for kids. Usually will order waffle in A&W one but decided to try out the Chicken Waffle. End up kena con. Nia seng, Is just like KFC twister but instead of the bread skin, use waffle to wrap like sandwich. 2 Super shrink waffles somemore, then some salad and the chicken, walan eh... The chicken meat so little onli... I DECLARE BAN ON A&W. The french fries somemore, I order large one also so little. Compared to McD really really small. Only the Root beer size was of my satisfaction.
No wonder A&W been losing ground in their battle with other fast food chain la, food all super shrink to this level, who wanna eat wor...
Among the 3 fast food which are KFC, McD & A&W, I always had a special feel for A&W since I recall fond memories of me as a kiddo munching away in their superb waffles and sipping my zip away in their root beer. Today I went to Sunway Piramid in an attempt to entertain myself and decided to dine at A&W.
One word, Super shrink! Walau eh, if compare to McD and KFC, the size really like made for kids. Usually will order waffle in A&W one but decided to try out the Chicken Waffle. End up kena con. Nia seng, Is just like KFC twister but instead of the bread skin, use waffle to wrap like sandwich. 2 Super shrink waffles somemore, then some salad and the chicken, walan eh... The chicken meat so little onli... I DECLARE BAN ON A&W. The french fries somemore, I order large one also so little. Compared to McD really really small. Only the Root beer size was of my satisfaction.
No wonder A&W been losing ground in their battle with other fast food chain la, food all super shrink to this level, who wanna eat wor...
Dear bloggie,
I'm sitting here alone in my room alone staring at this f*ckin laptop when it strike me how alone I been recently been. With MFR busy smoking pot and doing the nasty thing with hookers in Amsterdam, and with my latest "retrenchment", my contact list has shrunk to only the Klang Monks Gang. And even lately with Suke busy chasing girls skirt trying to denounce the way of the monk, Spellie busy with his new work and Acapan busy with... erh... booze, boobs & dota?, I been living like a total hermit.
My recent job applications for a job outside IT has yielded no response from the other side and the current crap with my freelance project, I'm at a all time low for 2009. I tried to change but I guess in a world where specialization is the keyword, it's hard to jump career. Most jobs need at least a specified degree or working experience or else you probably down in the list.
Can't take heavy dosage of depression pills too as my 2 ankle ache like crap. Doing some light running on the treadmill and some resistance training. Since Suke been busy chasing girls skirt lately, been doing it lone ranger at the gym. Can get abit boring and intimidating with all those people with biceps like the Hulk walking around while a skinny runt like me struggle to do a 15kg cable bicep curl. Yea, the workout burn abit of calories and depression but my body is starting to feel like it's been torn apart and I'm just doing light weights onli... :-(
And to top it all up, one of my college mates phone me to drop a red bomb. 6 June 2009 at Nilai. The dreaded feel of "aging" is again looming. Will have to see old college mates at the wedding, *Sigh* the dreaded question "Wah long time no see, how are you? I'm a f*cking millionaire married to a model. What are you working as now?" I can onli imagine their looks when I say I'm retrenched. Hmmm... I must prepare myself mentally to savor that moment... Already almost 4 years since college, I'm quite sure alot of my college mates will come blazing in with the so called "achievements" wrap around their shoulder and waist. Lucky I didn't went through my plan to try botak hairstyle also, else walau eh...
Also started dotaing with Acapan and spellie in pub game. Pawn Acapan in one match and as expected, he pawned me back kau kau in another match. I don't wanna go down this spiral again, gave it up and don't really intend to waste my time/life in it anymore but with so little to do, will my willpower be enuff?
MFR will be coming back soon but I wonder will this loneliness begone even when I have another f*cked up human being to trade depressing experiences with? And there's always the possibility he found enlightenment during his soul searching trip in Europe... I mean common, drugs and hookers, u won't find better enlightenment sources that those.
I'm sitting here alone in my room alone staring at this f*ckin laptop when it strike me how alone I been recently been. With MFR busy smoking pot and doing the nasty thing with hookers in Amsterdam, and with my latest "retrenchment", my contact list has shrunk to only the Klang Monks Gang. And even lately with Suke busy chasing girls skirt trying to denounce the way of the monk, Spellie busy with his new work and Acapan busy with... erh... booze, boobs & dota?, I been living like a total hermit.
My recent job applications for a job outside IT has yielded no response from the other side and the current crap with my freelance project, I'm at a all time low for 2009. I tried to change but I guess in a world where specialization is the keyword, it's hard to jump career. Most jobs need at least a specified degree or working experience or else you probably down in the list.
Can't take heavy dosage of depression pills too as my 2 ankle ache like crap. Doing some light running on the treadmill and some resistance training. Since Suke been busy chasing girls skirt lately, been doing it lone ranger at the gym. Can get abit boring and intimidating with all those people with biceps like the Hulk walking around while a skinny runt like me struggle to do a 15kg cable bicep curl. Yea, the workout burn abit of calories and depression but my body is starting to feel like it's been torn apart and I'm just doing light weights onli... :-(
And to top it all up, one of my college mates phone me to drop a red bomb. 6 June 2009 at Nilai. The dreaded feel of "aging" is again looming. Will have to see old college mates at the wedding, *Sigh* the dreaded question "Wah long time no see, how are you? I'm a f*cking millionaire married to a model. What are you working as now?" I can onli imagine their looks when I say I'm retrenched. Hmmm... I must prepare myself mentally to savor that moment... Already almost 4 years since college, I'm quite sure alot of my college mates will come blazing in with the so called "achievements" wrap around their shoulder and waist. Lucky I didn't went through my plan to try botak hairstyle also, else walau eh...
Also started dotaing with Acapan and spellie in pub game. Pawn Acapan in one match and as expected, he pawned me back kau kau in another match. I don't wanna go down this spiral again, gave it up and don't really intend to waste my time/life in it anymore but with so little to do, will my willpower be enuff?
MFR will be coming back soon but I wonder will this loneliness begone even when I have another f*cked up human being to trade depressing experiences with? And there's always the possibility he found enlightenment during his soul searching trip in Europe... I mean common, drugs and hookers, u won't find better enlightenment sources that those.
Dear bloggie,
A food for thought of mine when I was younger,
After all the sins we human race have committed in our life, molesting mother nature to ease our life, consuming other "inferior" living species to ease our stomach and butchering our own species to maintain the so called human civilization... One have to often wonder:
"Are we worthy of salvation?"
I often heard people b*tch bout how God won't answer our prayers or etc... More optimistic peoples often say God don't answer our prayer as he is testing us or is silently watching us, etc. I however being a pessimistic have the thought maybe god already feed up and have just gave up on us.
It's quite hard for me to deny such thought never cross my mind. I mean really, some people just really make me lose faith in the entire human race. I sometimes find myself unable to accept these people perception, mindset and action in their life. Makes me feel vile, sick and wanna throw up for being the same species as them. Maybe that why some of my friends call me "Sicko" yet again that's my right, the right to choose how I live my life. Ironic, the exact same right these people have in their life.
However the real question that bug me is "Is it right to allow one drop of salt spoil the entire soup?" Why should innocent people have to suffer because of the action of the sinners? Take the Palestine and Israel crap for instance. Who suffer the most? Who should we even blame for this crap? Should we blame the people who started the provocation? Should we blame the side that resorted to violence? Should we blame the human beings that lead the war on both sides? Should we blame anyone yielding a gun? Should we blame the weapon manufacturers? Should we blame god for his inaction or action to take no action? Or should I blame myself for sitting in front of my laptop seeing all this crap and do shit about it?
The world is in a very f*cked up mess. So many problems... war, sickness, injustice, poverty, global warming, animal extinction, starvation, economic recession, deforestation, natural resource problem, etc... And what really makes me shiver is we're doing absolutely nothing about it. We know it's there and yet we opt to ignore the problem (Well, some of us I admit are doing something about it)... Maybe we think deep inside of us, "Armageddon? Nah, not this lifetime". Or "I got more important everyday things to do then these issues". Or maybe we have the mindset of "Nope, Not my problem". Worst is the apathetic mindset "Whatever" like me.
Hence my question, are we worthy of salvation? If you were thrown into a scenario where you have the remote with the button that would trigger the nuclear missile to end this world in your hand, what would you do? What would be the justification for your action?
Me? Frankly speaking I dunno what I would do. Sometimes I think ya, we deserved what was coming towards us. Sometimes I think no, how about the innocents? Sometimes I think ya, It's bound to happen sooner or later, this way or another. Sometimes I think no, How could I commit something like mass genocide? Sometimes I think ya, every start has to have a end. Sometimes I think no, I don't wanna die just yet. Sometimes I think ya or no, what's the difference? Sometimes I think let's just flip a coin. Sometimes I dunno what to think...
A food for thought of mine when I was younger,
After all the sins we human race have committed in our life, molesting mother nature to ease our life, consuming other "inferior" living species to ease our stomach and butchering our own species to maintain the so called human civilization... One have to often wonder:
"Are we worthy of salvation?"
I often heard people b*tch bout how God won't answer our prayers or etc... More optimistic peoples often say God don't answer our prayer as he is testing us or is silently watching us, etc. I however being a pessimistic have the thought maybe god already feed up and have just gave up on us.
It's quite hard for me to deny such thought never cross my mind. I mean really, some people just really make me lose faith in the entire human race. I sometimes find myself unable to accept these people perception, mindset and action in their life. Makes me feel vile, sick and wanna throw up for being the same species as them. Maybe that why some of my friends call me "Sicko" yet again that's my right, the right to choose how I live my life. Ironic, the exact same right these people have in their life.
However the real question that bug me is "Is it right to allow one drop of salt spoil the entire soup?" Why should innocent people have to suffer because of the action of the sinners? Take the Palestine and Israel crap for instance. Who suffer the most? Who should we even blame for this crap? Should we blame the people who started the provocation? Should we blame the side that resorted to violence? Should we blame the human beings that lead the war on both sides? Should we blame anyone yielding a gun? Should we blame the weapon manufacturers? Should we blame god for his inaction or action to take no action? Or should I blame myself for sitting in front of my laptop seeing all this crap and do shit about it?
The world is in a very f*cked up mess. So many problems... war, sickness, injustice, poverty, global warming, animal extinction, starvation, economic recession, deforestation, natural resource problem, etc... And what really makes me shiver is we're doing absolutely nothing about it. We know it's there and yet we opt to ignore the problem (Well, some of us I admit are doing something about it)... Maybe we think deep inside of us, "Armageddon? Nah, not this lifetime". Or "I got more important everyday things to do then these issues". Or maybe we have the mindset of "Nope, Not my problem". Worst is the apathetic mindset "Whatever" like me.
Hence my question, are we worthy of salvation? If you were thrown into a scenario where you have the remote with the button that would trigger the nuclear missile to end this world in your hand, what would you do? What would be the justification for your action?
Me? Frankly speaking I dunno what I would do. Sometimes I think ya, we deserved what was coming towards us. Sometimes I think no, how about the innocents? Sometimes I think ya, It's bound to happen sooner or later, this way or another. Sometimes I think no, How could I commit something like mass genocide? Sometimes I think ya, every start has to have a end. Sometimes I think no, I don't wanna die just yet. Sometimes I think ya or no, what's the difference? Sometimes I think let's just flip a coin. Sometimes I dunno what to think...
Dear bloggie,
Hahaha... Saw tis clip in Facebook...
Hoh suah, Hoh suah, Hoh, Hoh, Hoh... Kiah li wa ai hoh suah...
Ching ge pah bang boh mee giah coh....
Hahaha... Saw tis clip in Facebook...
Hoh suah, Hoh suah, Hoh, Hoh, Hoh... Kiah li wa ai hoh suah...
Ching ge pah bang boh mee giah coh....
Dear bloggie,
Gotta say, tis video is my exact sentiments on "New Star Trek" movie...
Ok jokes aside, just saw it awhile ago... My verdict, nothing short but epic space action drama... Though I have to complain about the scene whereSylar tries to steal Kirk's power Spock choke Kirk emits the Heroes Deja vu feel... Really liked how they abuse the time travel gimmick (Dang, did Sylar stole Hiro's power?) to generate possibly a new franchise for Star Trek (Wanna bet if there is Star Trek 2, 3, 4 and maybe Spock: Origins on their way to our silver screen soon?)...
The action is fast and furious, the drama has depth, Sylar has pointy ears and we have an Irishman with decent Irish slang onboard... Common, who can't fall in love with tat... Onli noticeable flaw (for me la) was on how certain crew members of the original Enterprise timeline somehow miraculously meet each other during the movie.
Gotta say, tis video is my exact sentiments on "New Star Trek" movie...
Ok jokes aside, just saw it awhile ago... My verdict, nothing short but epic space action drama... Though I have to complain about the scene where
The action is fast and furious, the drama has depth, Sylar has pointy ears and we have an Irishman with decent Irish slang onboard... Common, who can't fall in love with tat... Onli noticeable flaw (for me la) was on how certain crew members of the original Enterprise timeline somehow miraculously meet each other during the movie.

Dear bloggie,
During my line of work I meet quite alot of fascinating peoples... Tis however is one of those times I wish I didn't have to do tis integration with a 3rd software house party. I understand alot of programmers out there can't speak good English (sorta like how I can't speak proper Cantonese) but common, if reading a god damn email requesting for advice on how to a certain thing is misread as an explanation of how their flow works, something is f*ckin wrong.
The 3rd party involved here is a payment gateway. It's one of those return url type payment gateway. I done one payment gateway before and quite similar except on thing that I will b*tch about in awhile. The flow is quite straight forward, I set a success and failure page I wan the user to be redirected to once the transaction is either success/failure at the payment gateway. Simple noes? Ya, but one problem...
Usually at the success page, your side will have to do some backend stuff like maybe save the record in db or update the transaction status so the transaction is valid. Main problem, what if someone directly inputs the success url in ur browser address? Should your application update the data? No right. Coz the user haven't paid at the payment gateway. How to identify if the user been redirected from the payment gateway or not? This is the problem I been f*ckin trying to convey across to the other party from day 1 I receive their API guide. Usually the payment gateway have some call back method to check if the transaction is really successful or not but tis payment gateway takada. Either that or they throw in a hash (involves concatenating a few of the return parameters with a secret key then sha the string to get the hash, since this hash can only be generated by party that knows the secret key, can be used sorta like a authentication mechanism for this kinda flow) when they redirect to the return url so the return url party knows the request was from the payment gateway.
First time I asked, the bugger told me I need to setup a SSL at the return success url. So I did abit a research on SSL, Either I'm deeply confused on SSL or SSL should be just the means to secure the connection between the user and the server, wtf does it have to do with the problem I raised? SSL is just encrypting the data from the user browser send to the server so if a jack@$$ intercepts it, he will onli see some encrypted data. I failed to comprehend how SSL can be used to identify if the request was result from redirection from the payment gateway. I asked around my few former work collegue, most also uncertain how SSL can be used to solve my problem.
Ok, no problem... Since they dun offer me a solution, I might as well propose my solution. I asked the payment gateway party if they can add another return parameter when they redirect to my success return url. They turn me down flat. I understand it's common practice s/w houses won't add anything that could compromise their stable system but I'm quite pissed of at the fact to append another 1 parameter to the redirect url is turn down flat without even bother asking why I want that parameter.
So since I dunno how so solve the problem, and they refuse to modify their s/w for my propose solution, I throw the ball at they. I asked for advice on how to prevent the issue via email. It took 3 days, before I got feed up and decided to call them. They say they very busy no check mail. Will get back to me after. Tiu. Just now, Ulti tulan, they reply my mail, say the flow describe is correct in the email. Walan eh, I put a "We need your advice on the following matter:" then describe the problem in details with example and all, they come back to me with simple words "then ur flow is right.just do the demo transaction for RM1 then u can run the whole flow."
CB!!! I asking how to secure the flow so other f*ckers won't attack, he gimme tis crap. I know the flow can work, but that not wat I been trying to ask... People attack this weak spot, our side that will get the rap! Really wish can change better payment gateway party... Nia seng...
During my line of work I meet quite alot of fascinating peoples... Tis however is one of those times I wish I didn't have to do tis integration with a 3rd software house party. I understand alot of programmers out there can't speak good English (sorta like how I can't speak proper Cantonese) but common, if reading a god damn email requesting for advice on how to a certain thing is misread as an explanation of how their flow works, something is f*ckin wrong.
The 3rd party involved here is a payment gateway. It's one of those return url type payment gateway. I done one payment gateway before and quite similar except on thing that I will b*tch about in awhile. The flow is quite straight forward, I set a success and failure page I wan the user to be redirected to once the transaction is either success/failure at the payment gateway. Simple noes? Ya, but one problem...
Usually at the success page, your side will have to do some backend stuff like maybe save the record in db or update the transaction status so the transaction is valid. Main problem, what if someone directly inputs the success url in ur browser address? Should your application update the data? No right. Coz the user haven't paid at the payment gateway. How to identify if the user been redirected from the payment gateway or not? This is the problem I been f*ckin trying to convey across to the other party from day 1 I receive their API guide. Usually the payment gateway have some call back method to check if the transaction is really successful or not but tis payment gateway takada. Either that or they throw in a hash (involves concatenating a few of the return parameters with a secret key then sha the string to get the hash, since this hash can only be generated by party that knows the secret key, can be used sorta like a authentication mechanism for this kinda flow) when they redirect to the return url so the return url party knows the request was from the payment gateway.
First time I asked, the bugger told me I need to setup a SSL at the return success url. So I did abit a research on SSL, Either I'm deeply confused on SSL or SSL should be just the means to secure the connection between the user and the server, wtf does it have to do with the problem I raised? SSL is just encrypting the data from the user browser send to the server so if a jack@$$ intercepts it, he will onli see some encrypted data. I failed to comprehend how SSL can be used to identify if the request was result from redirection from the payment gateway. I asked around my few former work collegue, most also uncertain how SSL can be used to solve my problem.
Ok, no problem... Since they dun offer me a solution, I might as well propose my solution. I asked the payment gateway party if they can add another return parameter when they redirect to my success return url. They turn me down flat. I understand it's common practice s/w houses won't add anything that could compromise their stable system but I'm quite pissed of at the fact to append another 1 parameter to the redirect url is turn down flat without even bother asking why I want that parameter.
So since I dunno how so solve the problem, and they refuse to modify their s/w for my propose solution, I throw the ball at they. I asked for advice on how to prevent the issue via email. It took 3 days, before I got feed up and decided to call them. They say they very busy no check mail. Will get back to me after. Tiu. Just now, Ulti tulan, they reply my mail, say the flow describe is correct in the email. Walan eh, I put a "We need your advice on the following matter:" then describe the problem in details with example and all, they come back to me with simple words "then ur flow is right.just do the demo transaction for RM1 then u can run the whole flow."
CB!!! I asking how to secure the flow so other f*ckers won't attack, he gimme tis crap. I know the flow can work, but that not wat I been trying to ask... People attack this weak spot, our side that will get the rap! Really wish can change better payment gateway party... Nia seng...
Dear bloggie,
"It seem that everything is just the same as always. It seems that I have returned to my old ways. Yes, I have always wanted to crawl out of this place. Crawl towards the light. For what? Living without ambition, like Zhong Da. I hate that kind of life. Living from day to day, like my life. I hated that too. But none of that matters now. Because a shallow belief has lit up my way out. I... have finally found my life's goal!" - Liaoyuan Huo, Ravages of Time.
Rather unexpected quote that took me by suprise when I first read it... I wasn't expecting this manga to focus on the matter "living life without a purpose". Really deep...
Update: Damn, had a VERY BAD run today. Tried to do the interval training again, but at 2nd surge, leg went limp. My quads muscle are now sore, never had sore leg except when run for race or when I first started jogging again one. Worst, while running a young 17-24 years old indian brat ask me "Excuse me uncle, what time izt now?"... Tiu lor, never before I been called "Uncle" suddenly some random dude call me one. Nowdays punya brat, no respect at all. Can call me "dude" or "bro" mah... Call me "uncle"... Niama...
"It seem that everything is just the same as always. It seems that I have returned to my old ways. Yes, I have always wanted to crawl out of this place. Crawl towards the light. For what? Living without ambition, like Zhong Da. I hate that kind of life. Living from day to day, like my life. I hated that too. But none of that matters now. Because a shallow belief has lit up my way out. I... have finally found my life's goal!" - Liaoyuan Huo, Ravages of Time.
Rather unexpected quote that took me by suprise when I first read it... I wasn't expecting this manga to focus on the matter "living life without a purpose". Really deep...
Update: Damn, had a VERY BAD run today. Tried to do the interval training again, but at 2nd surge, leg went limp. My quads muscle are now sore, never had sore leg except when run for race or when I first started jogging again one. Worst, while running a young 17-24 years old indian brat ask me "Excuse me uncle, what time izt now?"... Tiu lor, never before I been called "Uncle" suddenly some random dude call me one. Nowdays punya brat, no respect at all. Can call me "dude" or "bro" mah... Call me "uncle"... Niama...
Dear bloggie,
Wow... BSB, Boyzone, Spicy Galz, Westlife, Blue,... etc etc etc... An era when pop band ruled the world...
Drowning - Backstreet Boys
Don't pretend you're sorry
I know you're not
You know you got the power
To make me weak inside
Girl you leave me breathless
But it's okay 'cause
You are my survival
Now hear me say
I can't imagine life
Without your love
Even forever don't seem
Like long enough
'Cause everytime I breathe
I take you in
And my heart beats again
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love
Everytime I try to rise above
I'm swept away by love
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love
Maybe I'm a drifter
Late at night
'Cause I long for the safety
Of flowing freely
In your arms
I don't need another life line
It's not for me
'Cause only you can save me
Oh can't you see
I can't imagine life
Without your love
And even forever don't seem
Like long enough
'Cause everytime I breathe
I take you in
And my heart beats again
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love
Everytime I try to rise above
I'm swept away by love
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love
Go on and pull me under
Cover me with dreams, yeah
Love me mouth to mouth now
You know I can't resist
'Cause you're the air
That I breathe
Everytime I breathe
I take you in
And my heart beats again
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love
Everytime I try to rise above
I'm swept away by love
And baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning your love
Baby I can't help it
Keep me drowning
In your love
I keep drowning
In your love
Baby I can't help it
Can't help it no, no
'Cause everytime I breathe
I take you in
And my heart beats again
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love
Everytime I try to rise above
I'm swept away by love
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love
Wow... BSB, Boyzone, Spicy Galz, Westlife, Blue,... etc etc etc... An era when pop band ruled the world...
Don't pretend you're sorry
I know you're not
You know you got the power
To make me weak inside
Girl you leave me breathless
But it's okay 'cause
You are my survival
Now hear me say
I can't imagine life
Without your love
Even forever don't seem
Like long enough
'Cause everytime I breathe
I take you in
And my heart beats again
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love
Everytime I try to rise above
I'm swept away by love
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love
Maybe I'm a drifter
Late at night
'Cause I long for the safety
Of flowing freely
In your arms
I don't need another life line
It's not for me
'Cause only you can save me
Oh can't you see
I can't imagine life
Without your love
And even forever don't seem
Like long enough
'Cause everytime I breathe
I take you in
And my heart beats again
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love
Everytime I try to rise above
I'm swept away by love
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love
Go on and pull me under
Cover me with dreams, yeah
Love me mouth to mouth now
You know I can't resist
'Cause you're the air
That I breathe
Everytime I breathe
I take you in
And my heart beats again
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love
Everytime I try to rise above
I'm swept away by love
And baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning your love
Baby I can't help it
Keep me drowning
In your love
I keep drowning
In your love
Baby I can't help it
Can't help it no, no
'Cause everytime I breathe
I take you in
And my heart beats again
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love
Everytime I try to rise above
I'm swept away by love
Baby I can't help it
You keep me
Drowning in your love
“I have bigger and better things to do as Foreign Minister like helping with the efforts to counter the effects of the global economy downturn.”
Question for the day... Why even bring up the matter to begin with if u REALLY got BIGGER and BETTER things to do? Care to explain wat are these BIGGER and BETTER things are besides the boost of dunno how many billion of taxpayers money is going to be UTILIZED to boost the economy that was proclaimed won't be affected by the global slowdown?
The political scene in our country have really hit an all time record for comedy ratings. It's really hilarious really, 2 MBs, 2 Speakers, 2 Cabinets... Wat next? Funny crap like how one person prostituted the name Gandhi... Do he even know who Gandhi is to begin with? Gandhi's stance? belief? struggle? sacrifice?
And the fist fight in the state assembly... Wow... So Malaysian, suka ciplak (ciplak Taiwanese) other people (Common, Eye of London => Eye of Malaysia. Spiderman => Cicakboy/Mat Cicak/Watever. Batman => Keluang Man®©™. Cheers => Kopitiam, and the list goes one...). Atleast I admit got abit of originality with the pepper spray stunt...
Question for the day... Why even bring up the matter to begin with if u REALLY got BIGGER and BETTER things to do? Care to explain wat are these BIGGER and BETTER things are besides the boost of dunno how many billion of taxpayers money is going to be UTILIZED to boost the economy that was proclaimed won't be affected by the global slowdown?
The political scene in our country have really hit an all time record for comedy ratings. It's really hilarious really, 2 MBs, 2 Speakers, 2 Cabinets... Wat next? Funny crap like how one person prostituted the name Gandhi... Do he even know who Gandhi is to begin with? Gandhi's stance? belief? struggle? sacrifice?
And the fist fight in the state assembly... Wow... So Malaysian, suka ciplak (ciplak Taiwanese) other people (Common, Eye of London => Eye of Malaysia. Spiderman => Cicakboy/Mat Cicak/Watever. Batman => Keluang Man®©™. Cheers => Kopitiam, and the list goes one...). Atleast I admit got abit of originality with the pepper spray stunt...
Dear bloggie,
"I had a friend once who told me that the worst mistake that you can make is to think you are alive, when you’re really asleep in life’s waiting room. The trick is to combine your waking rational abilities with the infinite possibilities of your dreams. ‘Cause if you can do that you can do anything. - Waking Life"
"I had a friend once who told me that the worst mistake that you can make is to think you are alive, when you’re really asleep in life’s waiting room. The trick is to combine your waking rational abilities with the infinite possibilities of your dreams. ‘Cause if you can do that you can do anything. - Waking Life"
Dear bloggie,
Today is without a doubt the most tough training I endured. My last free session with my trainer. Feel like need to sleep one whole day for body to recover de. After the last session tough resistance training, I thought the worst was over... How wrong was I...
For warm up, my trainer asked to todo the cycling machine. She ask me to cycle at 80 speed for 1-2 minute then ask to me hike it up to 100 speed for 1 minute. The slow back to 80 and 100 again, rinse & wash... She said tis is interval training, similar like my previous day running training. My leg already worn out from yesterday some more need to push. Somehow, not very comfortable with the cycling motion... Dunno proper posture and leg movement to maximize cycling economy so had a hard time in this training. Had a hard time whacking the pedal to reach the 100 speed. The training lasted for 10-12 minutes... Wah, my leg felt like steal bar after the run like when I reached the last km in the Orange Run.
Somehow I manage to control my legs and navigate myself to the next training area. When the trainer lead me to the free weights area, I already sweating... Didn't did well last training here, and already expect another similar performance. My trainer drill me in some workout like dumbbell lunge, squats (using a fitball), front raise, dips, and etc... The most challenging one was the assisted pull up machine. B*tch workout! She set 20kg the assist weight but my arm was gone case at rep 5-6. I told the trainer I can't do it. She told me to try todo another 4. So I atleast tried. Somehow manage to finish the extra 4 reps. Trainer ask me to take a short rest. My hand strength I knew was gone case. Come back from rest, she ask me to do push up. She explain to me push up got man and women style one, she ask me which type I wanna do. So I asked wat difference between the 2 lor. She said women style one is end on knee one, while man one is end of toe foot one. Since I got a set a ping pong balls, I decided todo male one. Manage to complete the rep... But felt my left hand weak de. She then continue to ask me to do dips. Wah, up to rep 10, my left hand strength totally deserted me. Very very hard to pull my left hand with the weights. The trainer some more ask me todo till 15 reps (Usually 12 reps onli one). I had to grin my teeth to pull my left hand for the extra 5 reps, some more can't raise the dumbbell to same height as my right hand. One more workout my trainer said... I was sweating coz left hand totally no strength left. The trainer however was nice enuff to help me stretch my arms. Last exercise (lucky for) was a simple sit up. Compared to the other workout, tis was a f*ckin breeze. So end of my 3 session with my trainer. My trainer explain to me about the trainer package they offering at Fitness First, 10 sessions for RM950, 25+5 (Free extra 5 Promotion) sessions for RM 2200. I say I'll think about it. She told me my strength very weak. Like my friend Suke the Sucker (Ultimate Insult)... But she say I atleast got some stamina (not considered good but ok la), since I managed to completed all the workout unlike Suke the Sucker.
I then crashing into the sofa to R&R. Around 15-20 minutes later Suke arrived, so we had a short cardio session (Around 10-12 minutes go at the stepping machine) before we decided to join the Bodystep class. Alot of people, had no space at the back so I ended up at front row. Bodystep main tool was the step platform. Wah once start, the instructor was doing some fast motion leg movements on the board, I was blur f*ck especially since the instructor was facing us (Leg all need to reverse). Some more since I front row no other people to refer to. One dude was kind enuff to swap places with me so I get a more back row. Somehow I managed to mimic some of the easier leg movements but still blur f*ck on the fast moves. Felt like dancing instead of working out. I focus on getting the leg steps correct and totally ignored the hands movement. Reached the near end part, the leg movement more slower so I managed to follow better. Then the instructor ask to take yoga mat, ended up doing push up and abs crunch on the yoga mat and board. Really really siao experience, especially when everyone around me was like dancing around while I was standing like sohai coz got dazed by the fast leg steps movement on the board by the instructor. Overall enjoyable experience.
Today is without a doubt the most tough training I endured. My last free session with my trainer. Feel like need to sleep one whole day for body to recover de. After the last session tough resistance training, I thought the worst was over... How wrong was I...
For warm up, my trainer asked to todo the cycling machine. She ask me to cycle at 80 speed for 1-2 minute then ask to me hike it up to 100 speed for 1 minute. The slow back to 80 and 100 again, rinse & wash... She said tis is interval training, similar like my previous day running training. My leg already worn out from yesterday some more need to push. Somehow, not very comfortable with the cycling motion... Dunno proper posture and leg movement to maximize cycling economy so had a hard time in this training. Had a hard time whacking the pedal to reach the 100 speed. The training lasted for 10-12 minutes... Wah, my leg felt like steal bar after the run like when I reached the last km in the Orange Run.
Somehow I manage to control my legs and navigate myself to the next training area. When the trainer lead me to the free weights area, I already sweating... Didn't did well last training here, and already expect another similar performance. My trainer drill me in some workout like dumbbell lunge, squats (using a fitball), front raise, dips, and etc... The most challenging one was the assisted pull up machine. B*tch workout! She set 20kg the assist weight but my arm was gone case at rep 5-6. I told the trainer I can't do it. She told me to try todo another 4. So I atleast tried. Somehow manage to finish the extra 4 reps. Trainer ask me to take a short rest. My hand strength I knew was gone case. Come back from rest, she ask me to do push up. She explain to me push up got man and women style one, she ask me which type I wanna do. So I asked wat difference between the 2 lor. She said women style one is end on knee one, while man one is end of toe foot one. Since I got a set a ping pong balls, I decided todo male one. Manage to complete the rep... But felt my left hand weak de. She then continue to ask me to do dips. Wah, up to rep 10, my left hand strength totally deserted me. Very very hard to pull my left hand with the weights. The trainer some more ask me todo till 15 reps (Usually 12 reps onli one). I had to grin my teeth to pull my left hand for the extra 5 reps, some more can't raise the dumbbell to same height as my right hand. One more workout my trainer said... I was sweating coz left hand totally no strength left. The trainer however was nice enuff to help me stretch my arms. Last exercise (lucky for) was a simple sit up. Compared to the other workout, tis was a f*ckin breeze. So end of my 3 session with my trainer. My trainer explain to me about the trainer package they offering at Fitness First, 10 sessions for RM950, 25+5 (Free extra 5 Promotion) sessions for RM 2200. I say I'll think about it. She told me my strength very weak. Like my friend Suke the Sucker (Ultimate Insult)... But she say I atleast got some stamina (not considered good but ok la), since I managed to completed all the workout unlike Suke the Sucker.
I then crashing into the sofa to R&R. Around 15-20 minutes later Suke arrived, so we had a short cardio session (Around 10-12 minutes go at the stepping machine) before we decided to join the Bodystep class. Alot of people, had no space at the back so I ended up at front row. Bodystep main tool was the step platform. Wah once start, the instructor was doing some fast motion leg movements on the board, I was blur f*ck especially since the instructor was facing us (Leg all need to reverse). Some more since I front row no other people to refer to. One dude was kind enuff to swap places with me so I get a more back row. Somehow I managed to mimic some of the easier leg movements but still blur f*ck on the fast moves. Felt like dancing instead of working out. I focus on getting the leg steps correct and totally ignored the hands movement. Reached the near end part, the leg movement more slower so I managed to follow better. Then the instructor ask to take yoga mat, ended up doing push up and abs crunch on the yoga mat and board. Really really siao experience, especially when everyone around me was like dancing around while I was standing like sohai coz got dazed by the fast leg steps movement on the board by the instructor. Overall enjoyable experience.
Dear bloggie,
If life was as simple as running... Just ran a very tiring run which consist of
1.5K Jogging
1K Hard Run
1K Moderate Run
1K Hard Run
1K Moderate Run
300M Sprint
Was supposed to run another 500M Hard Run and 1K Moderate Run before the 300M sprint but stamina already depleted. The 300M also was supposed to be 400M one, but ran outta gas... The scary thing about tis training menu is the current one I'm using is a easier version, the real one is supposed to be double the distance... >_<'
Noticed some changes to my running, first of all my pacing seem more stable (Probably due to running on treadmill). Still felt my pace fluctuate at the end part of the run because of fatigue de. Another thing is my foot strike, I been training to run on the ball of my feet and really felt the difference while running, less noisy footlanding and less strain to my leg too, but my 2 ankle felt ache after the run... Dunno izt of due to this form (Still lack ankle muscle to protected my joints) or cause too tired de after sprinting 300M. Still need to increase my gas tank if I wanna clock under 1 hour goal for the New Balance run, coz I suspect I don't have enough gas currently to run the whole 11K.
If life was as simple as running... Just ran a very tiring run which consist of
1.5K Jogging
1K Hard Run
1K Moderate Run
1K Hard Run
1K Moderate Run
300M Sprint
Was supposed to run another 500M Hard Run and 1K Moderate Run before the 300M sprint but stamina already depleted. The 300M also was supposed to be 400M one, but ran outta gas... The scary thing about tis training menu is the current one I'm using is a easier version, the real one is supposed to be double the distance... >_<'
Noticed some changes to my running, first of all my pacing seem more stable (Probably due to running on treadmill). Still felt my pace fluctuate at the end part of the run because of fatigue de. Another thing is my foot strike, I been training to run on the ball of my feet and really felt the difference while running, less noisy footlanding and less strain to my leg too, but my 2 ankle felt ache after the run... Dunno izt of due to this form (Still lack ankle muscle to protected my joints) or cause too tired de after sprinting 300M. Still need to increase my gas tank if I wanna clock under 1 hour goal for the New Balance run, coz I suspect I don't have enough gas currently to run the whole 11K.
Dear bloggie,
Today I got a compliment from my trainer... LOL, She say I very weak... -_-'
My 2nd free session with her today, already she throw me into free weights. Really WTF... Machine no weights also have VERY hard time. Did a few dumbbell workout and not enuff strength to complete em, my hands especially was shaking through out the workout. No muscle sore however, think it's strength problem but very strange y no muscle soreness. After the workout, in stretching machine, the trainer ask me am I ok. I said still alive mah, she ask I no eat lunch ka? I was like -_-'. She ask me if I ran on the treadmill very long ka? (Before session, she saw me running on treadmill but I ran for 15 minutes onli for warm up). The greatest insult however was when she compared me to suke the sucker. Say both of us also hand shaking when doing the workout. Godlike insult....
Anyway saw my old college mate there too today... Hehehe... No need trainer de, got my fren enuff to teach me basics de. My friend teach me a workout for my core muscles (The Plank). Simply need a yoga mat. Need maintain a certain pose for 30 seconds. I did it and after tat my fren ask me do I feel the ache in my abs. I said no, i feel ache in my quads. He then say I using wrong muscle to sustain the pose de. Anyway last trainer session is next Friday. Feel the trainer session very rushed, teach all basics only and one time go through onli. Lesson 1 things also I remember partial onli. Don't think I will pay extra for trainer since I got another source de, my college fren...
Oh ya, submit the New Balance 11K run also de. Will be running on 7 June. Still got around 3 weeks to train. Set a goal of 55 minutes. Hope my extra gym workout will aid me in achieving my goal.
Today I got a compliment from my trainer... LOL, She say I very weak... -_-'
My 2nd free session with her today, already she throw me into free weights. Really WTF... Machine no weights also have VERY hard time. Did a few dumbbell workout and not enuff strength to complete em, my hands especially was shaking through out the workout. No muscle sore however, think it's strength problem but very strange y no muscle soreness. After the workout, in stretching machine, the trainer ask me am I ok. I said still alive mah, she ask I no eat lunch ka? I was like -_-'. She ask me if I ran on the treadmill very long ka? (Before session, she saw me running on treadmill but I ran for 15 minutes onli for warm up). The greatest insult however was when she compared me to suke the sucker. Say both of us also hand shaking when doing the workout. Godlike insult....
Anyway saw my old college mate there too today... Hehehe... No need trainer de, got my fren enuff to teach me basics de. My friend teach me a workout for my core muscles (The Plank). Simply need a yoga mat. Need maintain a certain pose for 30 seconds. I did it and after tat my fren ask me do I feel the ache in my abs. I said no, i feel ache in my quads. He then say I using wrong muscle to sustain the pose de. Anyway last trainer session is next Friday. Feel the trainer session very rushed, teach all basics only and one time go through onli. Lesson 1 things also I remember partial onli. Don't think I will pay extra for trainer since I got another source de, my college fren...
Oh ya, submit the New Balance 11K run also de. Will be running on 7 June. Still got around 3 weeks to train. Set a goal of 55 minutes. Hope my extra gym workout will aid me in achieving my goal.
Dear bloggie,
Miss Misery - Elliott Smith
I'll fake it through the day
With some help from johnny walker red
Send the poison rain down the drain
To put bad thoughts in my head
Two tickets torn in half
And a lot of nothing to do
Do you miss me, miss misery
Like you say you do?
A man in the park
Read the lines in my hand
Told me Im strong
Hardly ever wrong I said man you mean
You had plans for both of us
That involved a trip out of town
To a place Ive seen in a magazine
That you left lying around
I dont have you with me but
I keep a good attitude
Do you miss me, miss misery
Like you say you do?
I know youd rather see me gone
Than to see me the way that I am
But I am in the life anyway
Next door the tvs flashing
Blue frames on the wall
Its a comedy of errors, you see
Its about taking a fall
To vanish into oblivion
Is easy to do
And I try to be but you know me
I come back when you want me to
Do you miss me miss misery
Like you say you do?
How I feel at the moment...
I'll fake it through the day
With some help from johnny walker red
Send the poison rain down the drain
To put bad thoughts in my head
Two tickets torn in half
And a lot of nothing to do
Do you miss me, miss misery
Like you say you do?
A man in the park
Read the lines in my hand
Told me Im strong
Hardly ever wrong I said man you mean
You had plans for both of us
That involved a trip out of town
To a place Ive seen in a magazine
That you left lying around
I dont have you with me but
I keep a good attitude
Do you miss me, miss misery
Like you say you do?
I know youd rather see me gone
Than to see me the way that I am
But I am in the life anyway
Next door the tvs flashing
Blue frames on the wall
Its a comedy of errors, you see
Its about taking a fall
To vanish into oblivion
Is easy to do
And I try to be but you know me
I come back when you want me to
Do you miss me miss misery
Like you say you do?
How I feel at the moment...
Dear bloggie,
Bewarn: Super long post...
Ok, for those soccer maniac, tis is NOT a post on soccer, so get lost... Shoo.. Shoo..
Kay, MFR will be blasting of for his Euro 2009 Road to Self Discovery Backpack trip soon. So he got ask me wat kinda souvenirs I would like... I don't really know what kinda crap I wan so I did some research. Here are the possible things I got consider I want:
Liverpool FC Merchandize

This one I know some ppl really like... but I'm already no feel for soccer de. Besides never liked Liverpool FC, so NO.
The Beatles Tshirt

I enjoy alot of The Beatles songs. But I ain't just one of those collectors of The Beatles thingy. Besides never liked a Tshirt as souvenirs. So NO.
Original Italian Finger Licking Good Pizza

Tis one I really wan... but can u tah pau it back meh? Imagine 7 days + in MFR's stinking backpack, dunno how long in the aeroplane luggage, come back somemore dunno need 1-2 days onli can pass to me. By then tis pizza already mush de la... Eat sure can die due to food poisioning... So too bad, another NO...
Italiano Cappucino

WAH! Being a coffee addict I'm definitely wanna try true Italian Cappucino. But think think de, I'm a addict onli, I just need the caffeine but dunno how to enjoy the taste of quality coffee. So nope...
More useless keychains or magnet


Cornetto Good Luck Charm

Ok, tis is a bracelet or necklace... Not the Cornetto Ice Cream dude... Tis one I think ok lor... If cheap and affordable pls get for me one... For ur info, Cornetto is Italian word for Croissant...
Pope Medal

Nice coin/medal/watever... but Uh, who the heck actually is this Pope dude?
Rosary Necklace

Ok, I maybe have no religion but I do enjoy owning such spiritual crap. Hahaha, if possible get the holy head priest of watever church you gonna visit to cast a happy-go-lucky enchantment on it first (so I can strike 4 ekor)...
Gladiator Sword

If u got any trick up ur sleeve to smuggle tis crap back to Malaysia. My house kitchen lack one kitchen knife, so maybe I can give it to my mother as post Mother day gift, Hahaha...
Paris Babe or Slut or Maid or Hilton

Mama mia... Choose any 2 outta the 4 criterias. Hahahaha... I know you gonna whack the "Give you free also dun wan de la" lame@$$ line. So forget it...
French Beret

Ok, I know I'm goin bald on the top & yes I know I'm a irresistible chick magnet with it, but pls... Not this crap ok...
French Wine

Now, now... How can we call France as France if we take away their wine lor...
Euro Dollar

Common la! U think I wat? U think I so cheap meh? I won't accept tis if it's any more less than green color euro note lor...

Hey, Smuggle some back for me...
Finally, I'm putting a one meal wager that u dun even dare carry out ur lame@$$ plan to eat meat at Amsterdam.
Bewarn: Super long post...
Ok, for those soccer maniac, tis is NOT a post on soccer, so get lost... Shoo.. Shoo..
Kay, MFR will be blasting of for his Euro 2009 Road to Self Discovery Backpack trip soon. So he got ask me wat kinda souvenirs I would like... I don't really know what kinda crap I wan so I did some research. Here are the possible things I got consider I want:
Liverpool FC Merchandize

This one I know some ppl really like... but I'm already no feel for soccer de. Besides never liked Liverpool FC, so NO.
The Beatles Tshirt

I enjoy alot of The Beatles songs. But I ain't just one of those collectors of The Beatles thingy. Besides never liked a Tshirt as souvenirs. So NO.
Original Italian Finger Licking Good Pizza

Tis one I really wan... but can u tah pau it back meh? Imagine 7 days + in MFR's stinking backpack, dunno how long in the aeroplane luggage, come back somemore dunno need 1-2 days onli can pass to me. By then tis pizza already mush de la... Eat sure can die due to food poisioning... So too bad, another NO...
Italiano Cappucino

WAH! Being a coffee addict I'm definitely wanna try true Italian Cappucino. But think think de, I'm a addict onli, I just need the caffeine but dunno how to enjoy the taste of quality coffee. So nope...
More useless keychains or magnet

Cornetto Good Luck Charm
Ok, tis is a bracelet or necklace... Not the Cornetto Ice Cream dude... Tis one I think ok lor... If cheap and affordable pls get for me one... For ur info, Cornetto is Italian word for Croissant...
Pope Medal

Nice coin/medal/watever... but Uh, who the heck actually is this Pope dude?
Rosary Necklace
Ok, I maybe have no religion but I do enjoy owning such spiritual crap. Hahaha, if possible get the holy head priest of watever church you gonna visit to cast a happy-go-lucky enchantment on it first (so I can strike 4 ekor)...
Gladiator Sword
If u got any trick up ur sleeve to smuggle tis crap back to Malaysia. My house kitchen lack one kitchen knife, so maybe I can give it to my mother as post Mother day gift, Hahaha...
Paris Babe or Slut or Maid or Hilton

Mama mia... Choose any 2 outta the 4 criterias. Hahahaha... I know you gonna whack the "Give you free also dun wan de la" lame@$$ line. So forget it...
French Beret

Ok, I know I'm goin bald on the top & yes I know I'm a irresistible chick magnet with it, but pls... Not this crap ok...
French Wine

Now, now... How can we call France as France if we take away their wine lor...
Euro Dollar

Common la! U think I wat? U think I so cheap meh? I won't accept tis if it's any more less than green color euro note lor...

Hey, Smuggle some back for me...
Finally, I'm putting a one meal wager that u dun even dare carry out ur lame@$$ plan to eat meat at Amsterdam.
Dear bloggie,
So rad!
Just like Honey - The Jesus & Mary Chain
Listen to the girl
As she takes on half the world
Moving up and so alive
In her honey dripping beehive
It's good, so good, it's so good
So good
Walking back to you
Is the hardest thing for
Me to do
That I could do for you
For you
I'll be your plastic toy
I'll be your plastic toy
For you
Eating up the scum
Is the hardest thing for
Me to do
Just like honey (x 17)
So rad!
Listen to the girl
As she takes on half the world
Moving up and so alive
In her honey dripping beehive
It's good, so good, it's so good
So good
Walking back to you
Is the hardest thing for
Me to do
That I could do for you
For you
I'll be your plastic toy
I'll be your plastic toy
For you
Eating up the scum
Is the hardest thing for
Me to do
Just like honey (x 17)
Dear bloggie,
Suddenly I felt the urge to booze again... I just wanna stop myself from thinking anymore even for a brief time... Things been going down spiral for me lately... If it wasn't because of my latest depression solutions (gym), I would be one depressed human wreck. My attempt to try something new still hasn't bore any response from the other party and I find myself with less personal time due to the extra workload I forced to bear. Worst, hardly got any inspiration to work. My pet project got delay due to my lack of inspiration to continue coding infront of a computer screen for more than 12 hours. I picked up some monthly expenses, which requires me to continue slaving to meets these expenses. Tried to study again, but after 30 minutes of reading and thinking, I felt worn out. Just don't feel like doing anything anymore...
Suddenly I felt the urge to booze again... I just wanna stop myself from thinking anymore even for a brief time... Things been going down spiral for me lately... If it wasn't because of my latest depression solutions (gym), I would be one depressed human wreck. My attempt to try something new still hasn't bore any response from the other party and I find myself with less personal time due to the extra workload I forced to bear. Worst, hardly got any inspiration to work. My pet project got delay due to my lack of inspiration to continue coding infront of a computer screen for more than 12 hours. I picked up some monthly expenses, which requires me to continue slaving to meets these expenses. Tried to study again, but after 30 minutes of reading and thinking, I felt worn out. Just don't feel like doing anything anymore...
Dear bloggie,
After only being a slacker for 1 week, I realized how hollow my life actually is. Take aside the busy working life outta me and all you have is a man that so empty in the inside. No social life, no skill, no interest in life, nothing... As if I am an empty bottle with nothing inside... No soft drink, no fruit juice, not even plain water...
I ate breakfast alone at McD in Bukit Tinggi JJ today. I sat alone in the deserted McD sipping the steaming hot coffee, feeling each warm steam coming out from the coffee. Sitting alone in a deserted area with the disturbingly comforting view of the huge empty carpark infront of me suddenly make me shrink before the emptiness in our life. The emptiness that always was there, but was hidden by the mundane daily chores of our life. I felt as if I could go crazy if I delve in this emptiness for even just a day. I ponder at that moment of emptiness if this feeling is exclusive to me alone or does everyone feel it to but simply choose to ignore it's existence? Perhaps they don't even know it's there?
After only being a slacker for 1 week, I realized how hollow my life actually is. Take aside the busy working life outta me and all you have is a man that so empty in the inside. No social life, no skill, no interest in life, nothing... As if I am an empty bottle with nothing inside... No soft drink, no fruit juice, not even plain water...
I ate breakfast alone at McD in Bukit Tinggi JJ today. I sat alone in the deserted McD sipping the steaming hot coffee, feeling each warm steam coming out from the coffee. Sitting alone in a deserted area with the disturbingly comforting view of the huge empty carpark infront of me suddenly make me shrink before the emptiness in our life. The emptiness that always was there, but was hidden by the mundane daily chores of our life. I felt as if I could go crazy if I delve in this emptiness for even just a day. I ponder at that moment of emptiness if this feeling is exclusive to me alone or does everyone feel it to but simply choose to ignore it's existence? Perhaps they don't even know it's there?
Dear bloggie,
I thought I managed to get myself outta this pit hole, but it seems I'm forever doomed to walk the path of failure in my life...
Failure after failure after failure... I guess being such a failure is an achievement in a ironic way. Despite being a human wreck, somehow as diseased as it might be, my soul wouldn't refuse to give up...
I thought I managed to get myself outta this pit hole, but it seems I'm forever doomed to walk the path of failure in my life...
Failure after failure after failure... I guess being such a failure is an achievement in a ironic way. Despite being a human wreck, somehow as diseased as it might be, my soul wouldn't refuse to give up...
Dear bloggie,
Usually I heard of ppl increasing their performance after training but wat happen to me is reverse one... Day 3 at Fitness First, can barely run for 25 minutes. Feel like leg no energy. Day 1 was 1 hour, Day 2 30 minutes, Day 3 26 minutes... Walan eh... Dunno izt my leg too exhausted or coz I ran at higher pace for Day 2 and Day 3.
Anyway tried out 2 weight machines so far. The first machine is pull the 2 thingy one like rowing a boat paddle one... 1st pull, *Ouch* My back muscle near my hands joint straight feel ache. Some more dunno how to set the setting, the two thingy too far away for me to grip, had to stretch and use strength to pull... One word "Pain"... Also tried the leg weight one, use leg muscle pull the weight. This one very draining my leg strength to do but still can do, not like the first one... Still got alot of toys to play, will slowly play one by one... Still waiting for trainer to contact... Zzz..
Also found the Mind and Body studio, hidden at one corner... Tomolo morning plan to attend one class. Hopefully got some chicks will attend too, need some stimulation early morning to boot up my system...
Usually I heard of ppl increasing their performance after training but wat happen to me is reverse one... Day 3 at Fitness First, can barely run for 25 minutes. Feel like leg no energy. Day 1 was 1 hour, Day 2 30 minutes, Day 3 26 minutes... Walan eh... Dunno izt my leg too exhausted or coz I ran at higher pace for Day 2 and Day 3.
Anyway tried out 2 weight machines so far. The first machine is pull the 2 thingy one like rowing a boat paddle one... 1st pull, *Ouch* My back muscle near my hands joint straight feel ache. Some more dunno how to set the setting, the two thingy too far away for me to grip, had to stretch and use strength to pull... One word "Pain"... Also tried the leg weight one, use leg muscle pull the weight. This one very draining my leg strength to do but still can do, not like the first one... Still got alot of toys to play, will slowly play one by one... Still waiting for trainer to contact... Zzz..
Also found the Mind and Body studio, hidden at one corner... Tomolo morning plan to attend one class. Hopefully got some chicks will attend too, need some stimulation early morning to boot up my system...
Dear bloggie,
Yea, had my first session at Fitness First. Burnt a hole in my wallet but heck, been quite a while since I spoil myself... My bag and freebies is on hold since they no more stock... Zzz...
Anyway, I reached the gym with Suke who told me we had a session with a trainer at 7pm. Reach there de, we hunt for the trainer Snow (Suke DEMANDED a female chick trainer when we registered). Found her de, she ask me if I got appointment with her. I say no, she said her training is 1 to 1 basis one... So this session no trainer guide me lor.
I go to the treadmill area, lucky found 1 empty slot... and run lor. 1st time run on treadmill not used to it. Asked the aunty beside me how to use the controls. Know how to control the speed and slope but the other controls still dunno how to use. Run first at 3 kmph, slowly add 0.2 kmph when feel like can take the pace... end up hike up till 9 kmph. Max pace I can handle without overdoing it. While running, the trainer got come checkup on me since Suke also had to run the bicycle thingy. She see me hold on to the treadmill handle ask me to let go and run like normal see ok ar not. I let go, but run feel out of place so had to hold on back. She say ok, slowly... She bla with suke de, I tried again... Starting feel abit odd, I mean ur running but still at the same spot. Slowly I adapt to the feel can run without holding onto the handle. Then while running at my max pace, a chick come exercise beside my place. She stretching that time, I almost trip from my treadmill due to the *distraction* (Coz the treadmill track straight one, I run abit serong). Lucky I recover quickly, no one noticed I almost trip. Hahaha... Run for almost 1 hour +, burnt 500 calories, 7 km, average speed 7kmph, abit dissapointed... Since I usually can run 8 km in 1 hour but I run non-stop today, so maybe pace abit slower.
I stop de step outta treadmill, walau eh... Body senses go wild. I step small step forward, body auto push forward, almost lost control. Lucky saw suke at sofa (looks like a man that lost his virginity or something, HAHAHAHA). Drink some free 100 Plus, then rest awhile at sofa. Saw a few chicks also. Wow, Klang chicks all run n hide here one izt... Suke say he very tired after doing the trainer's "training". Suke say the trainer say he very weak, so I would like to take tis opportunity to "HAHAHAHAHAHA..." since next to get this treatment is me. Suke looks determine to improve, just now message me wanna another session tomolo. Dunno if he will stick or hangat hangat tahi ayam like his "expensive Nike Shoe" and "expensive treadmill" ar not..
Anyway hope I dun NATO tis gym thingy... Coz it's damn expensive...
Yea, had my first session at Fitness First. Burnt a hole in my wallet but heck, been quite a while since I spoil myself... My bag and freebies is on hold since they no more stock... Zzz...
Anyway, I reached the gym with Suke who told me we had a session with a trainer at 7pm. Reach there de, we hunt for the trainer Snow (Suke DEMANDED a female chick trainer when we registered). Found her de, she ask me if I got appointment with her. I say no, she said her training is 1 to 1 basis one... So this session no trainer guide me lor.
I go to the treadmill area, lucky found 1 empty slot... and run lor. 1st time run on treadmill not used to it. Asked the aunty beside me how to use the controls. Know how to control the speed and slope but the other controls still dunno how to use. Run first at 3 kmph, slowly add 0.2 kmph when feel like can take the pace... end up hike up till 9 kmph. Max pace I can handle without overdoing it. While running, the trainer got come checkup on me since Suke also had to run the bicycle thingy. She see me hold on to the treadmill handle ask me to let go and run like normal see ok ar not. I let go, but run feel out of place so had to hold on back. She say ok, slowly... She bla with suke de, I tried again... Starting feel abit odd, I mean ur running but still at the same spot. Slowly I adapt to the feel can run without holding onto the handle. Then while running at my max pace, a chick come exercise beside my place. She stretching that time, I almost trip from my treadmill due to the *distraction* (Coz the treadmill track straight one, I run abit serong). Lucky I recover quickly, no one noticed I almost trip. Hahaha... Run for almost 1 hour +, burnt 500 calories, 7 km, average speed 7kmph, abit dissapointed... Since I usually can run 8 km in 1 hour but I run non-stop today, so maybe pace abit slower.
I stop de step outta treadmill, walau eh... Body senses go wild. I step small step forward, body auto push forward, almost lost control. Lucky saw suke at sofa (looks like a man that lost his virginity or something, HAHAHAHA). Drink some free 100 Plus, then rest awhile at sofa. Saw a few chicks also. Wow, Klang chicks all run n hide here one izt... Suke say he very tired after doing the trainer's "training". Suke say the trainer say he very weak, so I would like to take tis opportunity to "HAHAHAHAHAHA..." since next to get this treatment is me. Suke looks determine to improve, just now message me wanna another session tomolo. Dunno if he will stick or hangat hangat tahi ayam like his "expensive Nike Shoe" and "expensive treadmill" ar not..
Anyway hope I dun NATO tis gym thingy... Coz it's damn expensive...
Dear bloggie,
Just do it... the so called Nike phrase...
Yea, just submitted my application for my so called must-atleast-try-before-i-die job. I wonder wat kinda question will be asked in the interview? Will they question my commitment towards this job? Will they berated me for trying to find personal satisfaction in such kind of job? I have no experience nor skill to shout about in the interview except my undying gratitude for the thing that made/defined/nurture/watever me to what I am today... Will my intention and desire be enuff, I wonder? Even if I do manage to somehow land the job, do I have what it takes to perform? I definitely don't intent on sullying the good name of the one thing I have ever come close to ever "loved".
Yet again, if I was really committed towards it, why did I so easily gave it up and chosen my current career instead? Fear or laziness... Laziness a bit, but fear was the main factor. Fear not for it but rather the limitation of my potential in it. Fear I would one day hate it due to my shortcoming in it, so I easily gave my chance to pursue it, thinking somewhere in life I would find something I would learn to love just as much as it... Wishful thinking of the youth I guess... Wish I could tell my younger self back then, there's never a second time in life... This moment, right now... *Poof* Gone, never again will it you have another go at it... Sorry no rewind, no reset...
I can't help to ponder the disaster that could transpire if I do land the job. I could screw up and end up screwing others as well. Should I screw up, how will it affect my mental state then? More depressed? Maybe I getting a bit to ahead of myself, maybe I should take things one step at a time... First land the interview then think about other things... But it's hard you know, when you yearn to achieve something you really yearn for, you can't stop worrying about how it could fall apart...
Just do it... the so called Nike phrase...
Yea, just submitted my application for my so called must-atleast-try-before-i-die job. I wonder wat kinda question will be asked in the interview? Will they question my commitment towards this job? Will they berated me for trying to find personal satisfaction in such kind of job? I have no experience nor skill to shout about in the interview except my undying gratitude for the thing that made/defined/nurture/watever me to what I am today... Will my intention and desire be enuff, I wonder? Even if I do manage to somehow land the job, do I have what it takes to perform? I definitely don't intent on sullying the good name of the one thing I have ever come close to ever "loved".
Yet again, if I was really committed towards it, why did I so easily gave it up and chosen my current career instead? Fear or laziness... Laziness a bit, but fear was the main factor. Fear not for it but rather the limitation of my potential in it. Fear I would one day hate it due to my shortcoming in it, so I easily gave my chance to pursue it, thinking somewhere in life I would find something I would learn to love just as much as it... Wishful thinking of the youth I guess... Wish I could tell my younger self back then, there's never a second time in life... This moment, right now... *Poof* Gone, never again will it you have another go at it... Sorry no rewind, no reset...
I can't help to ponder the disaster that could transpire if I do land the job. I could screw up and end up screwing others as well. Should I screw up, how will it affect my mental state then? More depressed? Maybe I getting a bit to ahead of myself, maybe I should take things one step at a time... First land the interview then think about other things... But it's hard you know, when you yearn to achieve something you really yearn for, you can't stop worrying about how it could fall apart...
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